Savage FINcast – Episode 100: Co-Hosts of FINcast’s Past

This is it! The big one! They said it was impossible! One-Hundred Episodes of the Savage FINcast! And what better way to celebrate then to talk to all the people who made this Podcast possible. Host regulars, Craig, Jim, & Raven are joined by all our wonderful former and guest co-hosts for a massive chit-chat. FINcast co-founder, Nick Justus. Early days regular, Adam O. Pruett. Extended recurring guest, Zac Hawkins. And always ready when we need him, Scott James. We catch-up on what they’ve been up to these last few years, how they’re feeling about Savage Dragon, and what they might be looking forward to in the future of Savage Dragon! All this and a bit of news, in the 100th Episode of the Savage FINcast!

04:09 – Savage Dragon 257 Cover (News)
09:01 – Cyborg Spider-Man Action Figure from Hasbro (News)
14:16 – Nick Justus (Interview)
01:00:33 – Adam O. Pruett (Interview)
01:42:37 – Zac Hawkins (Interiview)
02:13:24 – Scott James (Interview)


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    • Tony Mikulandra on October 30, 2020 at 12:30 am

    Congratulations Fincast crew! What a great milestone to reach and here’s wishing you guys catch up to Erik on the episode mark. I’ll tell you one thing, I know of no other comic book podcast that I and many others can deem essential listening. You guys have created a companion to the masterful comic that is Savage Dragon and that is no easy feat. You guys are funny, you have fantastic non-romantic chemistry, and seem to be great bros at the best of times and frienenemies at the worst… all while discussing one of the greatest comics of all time. Some memorable highlights before I cut short this tedious diatribe: discussions about Canada and the selling of milk in plastic bags at grocery stores, (“do Canadians worship the Queen?”) some of the best play by play critiquing of comics in general, (does fountainhead shoot lasers?) and some of the most insightful interviews with comics professionals and enlightening discussions including failed quiz show answers to questions like how many toes do the Ninja Turtles and Savage Dragon have if counted all together?… I could go on… Long ago I started regularly listening to the Fincast probably in 2014 or 2015 and shortly after went back and listened to the entire Fincast run to get caught up because of the sheer enjoyment of what I was hearing. A-1 job guys and everyone involved, onward to the next 100!

    • Craig on October 30, 2020 at 10:11 am

    Wow! As always, thank you for listening, Tony! I’m always flattered when I hear that people enjoy listening to us and make the Savage Fincast part of their routine. Reading and discussing Savage Dragon with my bros Raven and Jim over the past 9 years has been great! I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for so long, but honestly it’s always a highlight for me and has never become boring. It’s pretty much just recording a hang out session with some best buds (Actually its a bit more work than that…). But none the less, we are having blast! Is it cool to read your post in the mail segment of a future Fincast?

    • Tony M. on October 30, 2020 at 12:53 pm

    Sure man!

    • Sotiris Gravas on October 31, 2020 at 7:16 pm

    Hey, studs… Happy Halloween and congrats on your BIG 100th episode! Not only do you provide substantive and sapient Savage Dragon info — you gentlemen also offer some much-needed mental-health happiness during this crazy coronavirus pandemic/Donald Trump-era turmoil. Know that even though I don’t always write in… I’m always listening in… ALWAYS… MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA (coughing up blood/wheezing) AHAHAHAHAHAHA! (At least I’m not next-level weird as that Santa dude who’s way into kids and always watching.)

    • TM on November 11, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    Hey guys not sure if you were aware or not but the artist Carlos Ezquerra mentioned in the episode passed away October 1, 2018. Just putting that out there as I don’t think it was mentioned on the Fincast. I own quite a few of his books including two Bloody Mary miniseries, great stuff, great artist, R.I.P.

    • Tony M. on November 11, 2020 at 5:02 pm

    Have you seen the Savage Dragon character pin ups by Rick Celis in Erik’s Twitter feed? Somebody give this guy a backup to draw! His style looks like how.the animated Savage Dragon series should look!

    • Craig on November 18, 2020 at 2:21 pm

    Sure have! They look great!

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