Savage FINcast – Episode 104: Fako II: The Revenge

There’s blood in the water in the latest episode of the Savage FINcast. Hosts Craig, Jim & Raven take a look at the revelations of Savage Dragon 256. Who is the toothy creature the cover proclaims is back from the dead? Jim rants about blood. Craig rants about faceless mooks. Raven… does Raven things. All this and FINteresting Conversations!

02:29 – Savage Dragon 259 Cover (News)
10:19 – Listener Mail
24:33 – ‘Best’ Savage Dragon Villain (FINteresting Conversation)
37:29 – Savage Dragon 256 (Review)


    • Tony on January 14, 2021 at 11:46 pm

    Lol Lazy Susan, that one was just for the hell of it. Supposed to be absurd but thought it was funny.

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