Savage FINcast – Episode 130: Rockk Grokk Cockk

Its a moderately tardy episode of the Savage FINcast! Hosts Jim, Craig, Raven, and Mark take a look at Savage Dragon 269, where not even a singular 69 occurs. Malcolm and the new SOS is acclimating to San Fran life. But something fishy is going on down. And possibly something Mickey as well.

All this, and Erik Larsen news, listener letters, and FINteresting conversation!

02:45 – Savage Dragon 271, 272 Covers (News)
12:28 – Blood Squad Seven Jim Rugg Variant Cover (News)
20:30 – Savage Dragon/Megaton Man 01 to be reprinted in Complete Megaton Man Universe Vol 2 (News)
25:44 – She-Dragon appearance in Local Man Bad Girls One-Shot (News)
27:03 – Malcolm and Dragon appear in Killadelphia 34 (News)
38:46 – FINteresting Conversation Responses
52:21 – “Should Erik stop with the sex stuff in Savage Dragon?” (FINteresting Questions)
01:07:32 – Savage Dragon 269 (Review)


    • T-Bone on July 4, 2024 at 11:00 am

    Where da retros!?

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