Jim Purcell

Author's posts

Savage FINcast – Episode 11: Who Reads Those Gossip Rags, Anyway?!

Much like our favorite comic on the planet, the Savage FINcast is running dangerously late. Sorry ’bout that! This episode, Adam, Craig, Jim, and Raven review Savage Dragon 182 and experience a kind of zen euphoria while doing so (not as disgusting as it sounds). Graveyards! Cults! High school embarrassment! OVERLORD! This one’s got it all! In Erik Larsen-related news, the FINcasters …

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Savage FINcast – Episode 10: Soap Boxes & Street Clothes

This episode FINcasters Craig, Jim, and Raven tackle the long awaited Savage Dragon 181. They discuss Dragon’s political ambitions, Krylan religion, and the subtle art of making your son look like a jackass. In another installment of ‘What We’re Reading’ the FINcasters get to talking about about The Hypernaturals, Big Bang Comics, and The Comic Book History of Comics. In …

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Savage FINcast – Episode 9: The Man, The Mystery, The Drool… Josh Eichorn

Have you ever viewed the credits page of any given issue of Savage Dragon and wondered to yourself: “Just who is this Josh Eichorn, what does he do, and why does Erik constantly make fun of him?” Well wonder no longer! The Savage FINcast  gang sits down with JOSH EICHORN, the inspiration behind comic’s longest-running gag, to …

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Savage FINcast – Episode 8: Reality Bites

BRAKKA-BA-DOOM! In case you don’t know that’s the sound of two super-humans colliding. Also the sound of ANOTHER SAVAGE FINCAST COMING AT’CHA!  Craig and Jim are back again to talk about the reality warping events of SUPREME 66! And then Jim takes a journey down memory lane to reexamine his first issue of Savage Dragon in …

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Savage FINcast – Episode 7: Genocide, Deicide, & Daxicide – Featuring Cory Hamscher!

The Savage FINcast keeps on trucking! With this episode Craig and Jim fly solo to take on the greatest challenge of their podcasting careers: INTERVIEWING SUPREME’S CORY HAMSCHER! They talk about how Cory broke into comics, discuss the influence Erik Larsen has had on his career, and break down the latest issue of SUPREME. Afterward, …

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