Savage FINcast Retro – Episode 27: Freak Force 13 & 14

It’s the war between worlds in this episode of the Savage FINcast Retro. Raven, Craig, and Jim take a look at the conclusion to the Cosmic Cops saga, and have their first run in with the bruiser Brawn. Also, just what is the deal with Trancer?!

Savage FINcast Retro – Episode 26: Savage Dragon 16 & 17

The Savage FINcast Retro returns with renewed vigor as we take a look at what might arguably be called the the single greatest issue of Savage Dragon, within arguably the most iconic era of Savage Dragon. Savage Dragon 16 gives us not one, but two, of the most iconic battles in all of Savage Dragon, and 17 is laying the ground work for some of Dragon’s most important battles ahead.

Savage FINcast – Episode 121: 2022 Year End Review

As the year 2022 winds down, FINcast hosts Craig, Jim, & Raven take a moment to look back on all the rad comic books they’ve read over the year in an epic shit shooting session for the ages. How did they feel about the Image 30th Anniversary overall? What books wow’d them the most? What are they looking forward too in the near year? All that plus absolutely bagging on McFarlane and Liefeld. What’cha gonna do? It’s Christmas time on the FINcast!

Savage FINcast – Episode 120: Face Reveal Party, an Interview with Erik Larsen!

It’s photo day at the Savage FINcast, hosts Jim, Craig, and Raven have figured out how web cams work just in time for another titanic Interview with Erik Larsen. Questions abound, about the upcoming Deluxe hardcover, how Erik is feeling about Savage Dragon in 2022, what’s next for Ant, will we ever see Dragon in the Invincible TV series?, and just who was originally suppose to be in the Overlord armor in the Emperor Dragon era?

Savage FINcast Retro – Episode 25: Freak Force 11 & 12

The Savage FINcast Retro returns with another look back at classic Savage Dragon in the mid 90s. This episode Raven, Craig, & Jim take a look at Freak Force 11 & 12. The Cosmic Cops are here, and they aren’t messing around. Freak Force’s greatest challenge yet is gearing up.