Savage FINcast Retro – Episode 14: Freak Force 01 & 02

In this episode of the Savage FINcast Retro Raven, Jim, & Craig finally arrive to the main event. Spinning out of the pages of Savage Dragon Freak Force is here! Cramped apartments, bounty hunting, revenge, bathroom comfortableness, and confusion about Manga. These issues have them all!


    • ARNO on September 11, 2020 at 5:53 pm

    Hey guys – great show – never read Freak Force back in the day either so this was a lot of fun

    Agree that FF2 should have been the first issue – FF1 should have been a back up in Savage Dragon that lead into this series IMO

    From what I recall – Homage Studios (not Homage Comics) was Jim Lee s studio in 1992 under Aegis Entertainment. Silvestri worked from there but was Top Cow. Aegis was the precursor to WildStorm Productions which didnt get that name change until 93/94


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